Kondisi terkini banjir di Desa Beringin Makmur 2, Muratara (Foto: Deni/Istimewa)Kondisi terkini banjir di Desa Beringin Makmur 2, Muratara (Foto: Deni/Istimewa)

Musi Rawas Utara, KOTABARI.COM – A total of 300 houses and 10 schools in Rawas Ilir District, Musi Rawas Utara (Muratara) Regency, South Sumatra, remain submerged in floodwaters reaching up to two meters. The flooding, which has lasted for several days, is caused by water overflow from the upstream river.

The Head of Rawas Ilir District, Husain, stated that 10 villages have been affected by the flood, namely Pauh, Pauh I, Batu Kucing, Mandi Angin, Belani, Tanjung Raja, Beringin Makmur I, Beringin Makmur 2, Beringin Sakti, and Mekar Sari.

“Around 300 houses and 10 schools are submerged. The water level is approximately 1.5 to 2 meters high. This flooding has persisted for several days due to water flowing from the upstream river,” Husain said on Saturday (March 8, 2025).

In addition to submerging residential areas, the flood has also disrupted educational activities, including an ongoing pesantren kilat (short-term Islamic boarding school program) in several affected schools.

“About 10 schools have been impacted by the flood. These schools are located in Bingin Teluk Urban Village and the villages of Mandi Angin, Pauh, Belani, and Batu Kucing,” he explained.

The flooding has also affected transportation access. Residents in Mandi Angin Village, for instance, have been forced to use an alternative route through Nibung District as the main road remains submerged.

Despite the flooding, public and government activities continue as usual. However, Husain urged residents to remain vigilant as water levels remain high.

“We urge residents to stay cautious in their daily activities since the floodwaters are still high. There have already been casualties in the previous flood incident, and we don’t want another tragedy to happen,” he warned.

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