Hujan deras yang terjadi sejak subuh hingga pagi hari Sabtu telah membuat sungai Air Betung di kelurahan Pagar Alam meluapHujan deras yang terjadi sejak subuh hingga pagi hari Sabtu telah membuat sungai Air Betung di kelurahan Pagar Alam meluap

Heavy Rain Causes Air Betung River to Overflow

Pagar Alam, KOTABARI.COM – Heavy rain since dawn until Saturday morning has triggered a flood disaster in the Pagar Alam sub-district of North Pagar Alam. The Air Betung River, traversing the area, overflowed due to the high rainfall, inundating residential areas in 2 RT with depths reaching almost 1 meter.

The disaster not only submerged dozens of houses and damaged property but also swept away one severely damaged house carried by the current of the overflowing Ayek Betung River. Recorded losses include the destruction of dozens of fish ponds owned by residents, as well as the loss of 3 houses, 2 motorcycles, and 1 car swept away by the swift floodwaters.

Hazardous Materials Carried by the Current, Evacuation and Cleanup Underway

The flood not only brought water but also various hazardous materials such as large tree trunks and mud mixed with stones, entering residents’ yards. Currently, teams from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Search and Rescue Team (SAR), as well as TNI/POLRI personnel are busy evacuating and cleaning up the remnants of the flood.

Aguansah, the head of Pagar Alam Kelurahan, stated that all houses along the banks of the Air Betung River were submerged, causing many residents to lose their belongings. Initial data shows that two RTs were most severely affected, with significant losses.

Emergency Response Measures and Wide Economic Impact

In addition to direct losses to residences and property, many fish ponds were breached and damaged by this flood. Residents reported significant losses to fish ponds, which are still being surveyed by relevant authorities. Aguansah revealed that several evacuation tents and public kitchens have been set up for affected residents, while coordination with BPBD continues for further handling.

No Official Data Yet on Loss of Life and Damage Estimates

As of now, there is no official data from the Pagar Alam City BPBD regarding loss of life or the extent of the damage caused by this disaster. Disaster response teams continue to gather data and undertake further measures to mitigate the impact of the flood.

This disaster serves as a reminder to all communities of the importance of vigilance and preparedness in dealing with extreme weather, as well as the importance of inter-agency cooperation in addressing the impacts of natural disasters that may occur in the future.

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