Polisi olah TKP mobil wartawan di Lampung Selatan ditembak orang tidak dikenal di Jalinsum TanjunganPolisi olah TKP mobil wartawan di Lampung Selatan ditembak orang tidak dikenal di Jalinsum Tanjungan

South Lampung, KOTABARI.COM – On Sunday night, July 23, 2023, a terrifying incident occurred in Jalinsum Tanjungan, South Lampung, when the car of a journalist was shot at by unidentified individuals. The car belonged to Ari Syandi Bayo, a journalist working in the region. Fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident, but the car sustained considerable damage due to the gunfire.

According to statements from South Lampung Police Chief, AKBP Edwin, the suspected motive behind the shooting is an attempted robbery with violence. The police are currently conducting an investigation to identify the perpetrators and uncover the reasons behind this heinous act.

Eyewitnesses reported that at approximately 10:30 PM, a black Mitsubishi Xpander suddenly appeared in front of the journalist’s car, which was traveling from Sidomulyo towards Bandar Lampung. Shortly after the perpetrator’s car overtook the journalist’s vehicle, gunshots were heard, hitting the rear left window and penetrating through to the middle right window of the car, causing significant damage. The estimated loss from this incident is around Rp 10 million.

The victim, Ari Syandi Bayo, immediately reported the incident to the Katibung Police Sector of South Lampung Police for further investigation. A team of police officers, led by Katibung Police Chief, AKP Aos Husni Palah, promptly arrived at the scene to conduct a thorough examination of the Crime Scene (CSI).

During the CSI, two bullet holes were discovered on the right rear door of the driver’s side, and one bullet hole was found on the left rear window of the car. Additionally, metal fragments, suspected to be from the bullets, were found on the floor of the driver’s rear seat.

Kapolsek Katibung stated that the investigative team will gather statements from witnesses present at the crime scene and examine CCTV footage from the Sidomulyo district to the border with Bandar Lampung. Every effort will be made to identify the culprits and bring them to justice according to the prevailing laws.

If the suspects are identified and proven guilty, they could be charged under Article 53 jo 365 of the Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) concerning attempted robbery with violence, which carries potential penalties as stipulated by the law.

This situation is a matter of serious concern for the people of South Lampung and the journalist community, as it raises worries about the safety and security of journalists in carrying out their duties. It is hoped that the perpetrators will be apprehended soon and that similar incidents will not recur in the future.

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